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Will a solar farm nearby affect the value of my property?Numerous national and local studies show that operating solar farms do not negatively affect property values in rural areas and may sometimes have positive effects. Solar farms have been consistently proven to increase the economic wellbeing of communities where they are located. You can read more about property values and economic benefits here: property values; economic impact
Will solar farms change the natural character of my community?Solar farms are a good fit for rural communities. Solar farms have a low profile; panels are usually no more than 12 feet high, enclosed by fencing and/or landscaping, and are silent, odorless, and attract minimal traffic. Plantings near panels can improve soil and water quality and create wildlife habitat.
Can solar projects be located out of sight of homes and businesses?When developed correctly, solar farms don’t change the look or feel of a community. Although it is sometimes necessary to build within view of residences, solar arrays have a low profile of only 10-12 feet. Landscaping can easily be used to effectively shield the projects from view. Local regulations will require setbacks to minimize impact on views.
Will pesticides be used to maintain the vegetation on the solar farm?We will plant native, low-lying grasses, plants, and shrubs that are suited to the local environment and need minimal to no additional water and weed control. These plants will help create new local habitats for birds, bees, and other insects and animals. Spot herbicide application may be needed for the control of noxious weeds.
Will the site’s landscaping be maintained when the solar farm is online?Yes. It is standard practice to maintain the site’s general appearance and be good neighbors to the local community. Landscaping maintenance is one type of job that a solar farm creates locally.
Do solar panels contain toxic chemicals?No. There are no liquids in solar panels and the panels will not contaminate soil or water. Solar panels are mostly made of glass. Other common materials include non-toxic polymers, aluminum, silicon, copper, and less than 0.1% of materials like silver, tin, and lead. Coatings ensure that solar panels are safe to touch. Solar panels are designed to withstand temperature and weather extremes and last for about 40 years.
Can solar panels pose a threat to soil or groundwater?No. There are no liquids in solar panels, and the panels will not contaminate soil or water. Solar panels are mostly made of glass. Other common materials include non-toxic polymers, aluminum, silicon, copper, and less than 0.1% of materials like silver, tin, and lead. Coatings ensure that solar panels are safe to touch. Solar panels are designed to withstand temperature and weather extremes and last for about 40 years.
Can solar panels affect nearby land or water?Solar panel materials are completely solid and extremely durable. In the unlikely event that a solar panel is damaged, it will be removed and replaced by crews who monitor a project 24/7. Since panels are completely solid, no materials will leech into the soil or water.
What kind of jobs do solar farms bring?Solar farms create short-term construction jobs that also help support local restaurants and hotels. Post-construction, solar farms create local, high-quality maintenance and operations jobs to support the solar farm.
Do solar panels pose any human health risks?Solar panels do not pose health risks to people. Solar panels are mostly made of glass and use very small quantities of other materials. Most solar panels generate lower electromagnetic field exposures than common household appliances such as TVs and cellular phones. When compared with the reduction in pollution from fossil-fueled energy, solar panels have a net positive effect on local air quality and public health.
What kind of benefits do solar farms bring to communities?Solar farms provide steady, reliable benefits for their communities. An average solar farm provides an additional source of tax revenue for local government and schools, with little demand for public services. Increased tax revenues from solar farms also have the added benefit of enabling property taxes to remain low for local homeowners. Solar farms also generate many short- and long-term jobs in construction and operations. Finally, solar farms allow land to "rest,” offering the potential to restore topsoil, which may be used for agriculture in the future.
Will a solar farm increase the price of my community’s electricity?No, a solar farm in your community will not cause your local electricity rates to increase. Thanks to improvements in technology, solar is one of the lowest-cost ways to generate electricity today. Many schools, businesses and homeowners choose to install solar systems to lower their electric costs.
Where will the power generated by the solar farm go?The power from this solar farm will feed into the local grid via preexisting transmission lines and provide a new, sustainable pool of energy for your state. Since electricity flows to areas that have the highest need, the power produced at your solar farm may be used locally or state-wide, based on demand.
Should solar farms be taking agricultural farms out of production?We believe that farmers should decide how to best use their land. Indiana has more than 15 million acres of farmland and it’s possible for farmers to lease a tiny fraction of that land for solar without impacting agricultural industry or traditions. The pollinator-friendly groundcover used at solar farms helps make nearby farmland more productive. Finally, solar farms are not permanent. At the end of a solar project’s lifetime, the land will be returned to its prior use and will remain the property of local landowners.
Do solar farms increase runoff, erosion, or flooding?Solar farms do not increase runoff, erosion, or flooding. In fact, they help mitigate these issues. Solar farms use plants that are better at absorbing rain and anchoring soil.
What happens at the end of a solar project’s life?At the end of a solar project’s life, decommissioning occurs. The solar farm’s owners are responsible for disconnecting and removing all equipment and returning the land to its prior use. When possible, solar project materials are recycled and/or sustainably repurposed.
What if the project is abandoned?There are many protections already in place that prevent communities from being burdened with abandoned solar projects. Projects are guaranteed to be responsibly decommissioned at the end of their lives. Furthermore, local lease agreements and county solar ordinances ensure that it is a developer’s responsibility to decommission projects and return land to its original use.
Can panels be recycled at the end of their useful life?Over 95% of photovoltaic panels in the US have been installed since 2012, and these panels will last for more than 25 years. However, end-of-life concerns are a reality. PV panels are mostly glass, aluminum, copper, silver, and semiconductor materials that can be reused; by weight, more than 80% of a PV panel is recyclable. Arevon is committed to working with local recycling partners to responsibly manage the full cycle of the equipment used at the solar farm.
Who will construct the project?While the engineering, procurement, and construction contractor (EPC) is directly responsible for hiring and contract regard decisions, we encourage our EPC contractors to use local contractors and vendors when possible.
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